Thursday, August 28, 2008


Please visit my blog-sister Rain today - her blog is so thoughtful and her photos so captivating. The last two posts about the power of dreams touched me deeply. Change is in the air.

Forty-Five Years ago today. I was in High School. Where were you?


  1. You're right! Rain and I correspond nearly every day with both blogs and email and she says it all so well. This is my first visit to your blog, but I immediately noticed that you go to an accupuncturist -- so do I and what a change he's made in my ability to get around. I wrote an entire post to him called Tribute. I'll be back to visit again and hope you'll visit my blog sometime, too.

  2. I just posted about this, too, Suzann....You will see if you come on by....These are Historic times we are living in right now, too!
    I love RAIN, and will go on over right now.
    Thanks for the GREAT GREAT Reminder of exactly the words Dr. King spoke on that Histortic Day, 45 years ago.

  3. These are changing times, for sure.
    The US election this year is on my birthday... and I will actually be in the USA on that day... should be very interesting!

  4. My hope is that the Democrates can unite and even more important:
    To encourage local US small enteprises and workes to believe in future wellfare. Not only to vote for wellfare. Wellefare comes from hard work - made internally - not by outsourcing to China and other low cost labour countries.
    Tell the D's, they must present a better solution to the avarage american worker than the R's have. That's imperative for US and the whole world.

