Thursday, July 20, 2006


From the first steps on the widda road, I have been surrounded by angels - born up in their arms and supported when I could not take one step forward on my own. These angels are not supernatural beings but rather my friends on this earth who have comforted me, held me, checked on me, kicked me in the behind when needed and have been at my side through the last twenty months.

One such angel is JZ - a new person in my life since Tom died. He is not only my friend but the guy who helps me with the heavy outdoor work, including the lawn care at the duplex, and just about any type of routine repair and maintenance that needs doing.

The morning of my birthday party I walked outside and sitting on the patio table were two packages - the wrapping - a gold towel torn in half with a duct tape bow on each. Under the packages was a note from JZ - inside two angel statues that light up. They are old and they are beautiful and they are on my Tom memorial in the office. JZ - sent from the Universe to be one of my angels on this earth. Who are your angels on this earth?


  1. Oh Suzann...There are so very many angels in my life...I have blogged about a few of them without calling them angels, you know? But you are so right. That is what they are. How wonderful that you have had and still do have so very many dear dear people who are there for you.
    I have gotten verey far behind in my visiting...those two horrid LNG power outages and the shorter one kind of threw me off everything, completely...And since then I have had a lot of things I need to take care of...
    Welcome back home Suzann.So very glad that this weekend with GROWW (What does that actually stand for?) was wonderfl for you.

  2. Isn't it interesting how just at the right moment the right person walks into our lives? The gift of those very special people is the most beautiful gift of all!

    I hope you stay cool during the heat wave that has seems to be suffocating the country!
