Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer is on the Way

I spent most of the weekend outdoors - planting, digging, raking, mulching,refurbishing pots, just having a really good time. This year I planted very few flowering annuals - almost 100% of all plantings are edibles. You can see my three large barrels are planted with a huge number of herbs - I am hoping to dry most of my herbs for the winter. The other large pot on the stairs is filled with Brussels sprouts. I have loads of johnny jump ups, pansies, chamomile for tea. In the front (where I have not yet taken photos) there are pots filled with tomatoes, eggplant, Italian parsley, chili peppers, yellow pear tomatoes, bush cucumbers and bush beans. I am very excited.

I still have all my tomato sets that I am growing and will plant them next weekend. I also will be planting pots of lettuce to grow in the shade under the big tree in the backyard. Salad right out the backdoor.

This was a relaxing weekend. I will post more photos soon. I hope you had a lovely weekend - summer has begun.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

At Last - Such a Blessing

After a year of attending services, volunteering my time, making new friends, taking the orientation classes and searching for a spiritual home - yesterday I made the commitment and signed the membership book at Unity Unitarian Church in St. Paul. I am so happy. I am now officially a part of the community of those who are living their values through commitment to social justice and living a spirit-filled life.

This spiritual home is filled with music, with devotion to families and with laughter and community-building. I am blessed today as I begin my life as a full member of this very special community.

It is a beautiful, sunny day here. I have music playing and am preparing to go out to "dig in the dirt" and get those veggies planted. My heart to yours - much more to come.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I have been dreaming every night and remembering big pieces of these dreams. They are vivid and colorful. Some are about my current client and some are about my future. And still others are about things of which I have no knowledge.

A week ago, I was dreaming that Tom was having surgery and that I was here in bed. "Oh no, I have to wake up and go to the hospital," I thought. Then directly on the heels of that thought was - "Oh no, Tom is not in the hospital, he is at work." As I "went back to sleep" = I was suddenly thrust into consciousness with the thought, "Oh my god, Tom is DEAD!' It was the strangest feeling. I awoke weeping and suddenly it was like it was all new news. I felt devastated and very disoriented.

Dreams - who knows.

I took this rainbow photo last Thursday night from my deck with my IPhone. I wonder what is at the end of that rainbow. Love and hugs to each of you.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The backyard is awake and ready for

ready for fun, for flowers, herbs, vegetables, BBQ's, picnics and just plain hanging out and enjoying the sun and summer.

I spent most of the weekend cleaning the garage, raking the yard, cleaning the flower pots in preparation for planting my tomatoes, eggplants, squash, peppers and tons of herbs. This year I am going to plant even more veggies in containers than in previous years. Because of the huge 100+ year old cottonwood tree that stands sentinel in my yard - it is difficult to grow those things that love and require the sun. I grow those veggies in pots in the front of my townhouse.

My backyard is filled with my roses, daylilies, hydrangeas, and lots of other perennials. I have lived in my home for nearly 14 years and have lovingly tended the backyard. It is a joy to prepare the yard for another season of growth. Digging in the dirt - feeling the sunshine on my back - listening to the chatter of the birds. Heaven - right here at home. There are more photos to come. Talk to you soon.