Monday, June 08, 2009


Paul Wellstone was a man of values and honor. He had a huge vision of a world of equality and peace. He would not compromise his values and beliefs.

Grassroots leadership - a world based on mutual respect and one where children feel and know they are valued and loved. What a tragedy to lose this man - I am honored that I had opportunities to meet him and spend just a bit of time with him. He always remembered people - not just "hiya, hiya, hiya" but remembered you. He truly cared about this world. He will never be forgotten.


  1. A person just like you.

    You might remeber I said to your nice friends from FL, last August:
    My beliefe is very simple: Respect.

    hugs from overseas

  2. It looks like there should be a picture here or something above the words but if so my computer would not pick it up. Your words though, them I agree with regarding Senator Wellstone. He was a loss to the nation.

  3. How fortunate you were to meet Senator Wellstone Suzann...he will be remembered....
