Monday, January 15, 2007

The Tree Through the Seasons #6

Finally, there is enough snow to post a new picture of the tree in my backyard. I have not been able to post another picture since November 17th - we have not had enough winter to change the look of the tree. However, winter is alive and well in Minnesota today. These pics were snapped last night and this morning. The sparkling white of winter - the innocence of the landscape - the purity - so restful to look outside.

Today is Martin Luther King Day - I have been reflecting on this holiday and the integrity and courage of the man so rightly honored today. In 2000, my sister friend, J and I met in Atlanta on this holiday and stood outside Dr. King's church, toured The King Center and walked those neighborhood streets. It was awe inspiring - a life of service, a life lived in-spirit and love.

1 comment:

  1. Winter has finally come to your part of the world Suzann, and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!
    Yesterday was a day of Rememberance and Honor...I love that you went to Atlanta last year...King was such an inspiration, wasn't he? His contribution to the Humanity of The Human Race is unmeasureable in so very many ways...Where are the men & women like him, of today? His eloquence, his heart....As you said, his life of service was awe inspiring, indeed!
