Thursday, September 09, 2010

Nine Nine Two Thousand Ten

Memories to cherish - the faces of family and friends as we pledged our vows to one another.  The vows we fulfilled - "in sickness and in health - til death do us part."  The laughter - the huge wheel of St. Andre Cheese with plump strawberries and fresh baked baguette.  The cake Lisa brought, "nonsense, you HAVE to have a cake" - a whirlwind confection of fresh strawberries and whipped cream.

The toasts - the fact that Lisa and Pat brought a video camera - the beautiful ivory roses in my bouquet, called Porcelana - and one long stemmed rose for each of my sister-friends.  The music - the love - the fulfillment of our deepest longing - to be a family.  And we were.

This morning, 15 years later - I hold those memories close for a few minutes and then release with open heart and gratitude.  Through years of sorrow are born new memories.  I believe there is much more to come.................


  1. You really have good and trusted friends, because you are the person you are.

    I think you now have reached the top of the Stair, and looking down to something beautiful to remember and keep withing your heart and memories.

    And at the same time, this new level will inspire you to go on further in a bright new world;-)

    Big Hugs
    Tor and Anna
    on the other side of the Pond

  2. Love to you on this day of memory ...

    I usually read you in Bloglines, so I don't know when you changed your blog design. Love it!

  3. Praying for you on this special day.
