Saturday, April 18, 2009


For those of you who have been hanging around my blog for awhile, you know that my sister neighbor V and I overwinter pots of plants and flowers in our respective garages and then bring them out to adorn our joint entryway all summer and fall.

Spring has sprung in our Northland because yesterday and continuing today we are bringing the pots back outside. I thought you might like to see what they look like still in garage and right after coming out to "stretch their legs" and get their first drink of water in a long time.

Nature is amazing - the plant in the pot dies, the soil is bone-dry and barren all winter. One day, you look around to see small yellowy-whitish-barely green shoots poking through the soil. It is the mystery of life - the proof that our little human need for "control" - our need to be "superior" to so much of the natural world around us is just so weird, so wrong and so futile.

There is a song running through the Universe. Mother Earth has her own rhythm - the primeval urge to grow on time and in the dark indoors - the eternal clock of the earth, the sun, the stars, the moon, the tides, and the seasons.

So here is how summer begins in my neighborhood and here is how it looks in late summer. It is one beautiful day here - I am off to garden. Namaste.


  1. I close my eyes and are back right there, at the entrance.
    I was impressed by the flowers and plants.
    So very welcoming, inviting.
    I felt at home, even before you arrived with J and S, just some minutes later.

    They way you conserves the plants during the Winter are not adoptable here where we do live. That's a pity.

    We still waits for the Snow to vanish at our Summerhome Garden. Yeah: Still. Grrrr.

    Warm hugs from
    a Viking Friend

    PS. Give V a big hug as well. May be she will remember me?

  2. i have to believe those of us in the northern latitudes appreciate spring and gardening more than our southern counterparts. we are filled with an expectancy and excitement they likely take for granted. :)

    we can hardly wait to get out there every spring, hubby and i! we spent the entire weekend in the gardens or shopping in nurseries and had such a fulfilling weekend doing so!

  3. Agree with Sky that the changing of the seasons are more greatly appreciated because they're so pronounced. At least that's my recollection of the years before moving to the Southwest, then Southern California.

    Your plants look lovely, your words even lovelier as you continue your journey.
